Thursday, February 16, 2012

CEdO555 - Week 3.5 - Choosing Standards

Just before our last class we each had to choose a set of teaching standards to apply to our portfolio. I chose the NETS-T standards as they seemed to align very well with what we have been learning in this cohort. From looking through everyone's choices on the discussion board, I saw that pretty much everyone went with these standards (though one of my fellow students did choose to go with the NETS for Administrators due to their specific position).

In our synchronous session, we discussed the current state standards and where the standards had arisen from - all good and brand new information for me! The back and forth discussions in the dialogue box showed that many of my classmates have strong opinions on the usefulness and adequacy of standards currently in use.

I am looking forward to continuing on this portfolio building experience. The mining of my online storage for artifacts in an attempt to meet the standards that I chose should be an interesting exercise.

See you all next week.    

1 comment:

  1. You mean to tell me they don't have NETS for Coast Guard engineers? I'm shocked.
    I can see why you chose the NETS-T in anticipation of doing some teaching in the future. Hopefully there is some crossover to what you are doing now.
    How is the search for artifacts going? In addition to using artifacts from class, I am also incorporating a few documents and projects I have done recently for work. Perhaps you have things you have been working on in your "day job" that you could use as well.
