For this week's assignments we read the first chapter of our textbook "How to Thrive as a Teacher Leader" and answered questions in our groups. I found the discussion on the Roles for Teacher Leaders to be enlightening and the description of the various Leadership Qualities was interesting. The questions that the group answered included what leadership attributes we found most and least important and also what were some of our experiences with leaders (good and bad).
The video that we watched was good... but i don't know that I ever got to the point that I understood that the speaker had given us any concrete information on what leadership qualities were important. The key takeaway that I had from the video was the statement that "society must be intentional about how it trains its leaders."
I completed the two surveys on my own leadership traits and found that I am an Adaptive Assertive and Adaptive Supportive (6/8 for both). The other survey didn't really do too much for me due to the fact that I had to make up something regarding a new initiative (I had none to use) and therefore the questions didn't really make much sense. I was able to fumble my way through the survey and view the results. I could see how this tool could be implemented to assist a Principal or Administrator with ascertaining the viability of an ongoing initiative... if set-up correctly!
I find it really interesting that you've scored high in all of the tests as adaptive. Do you think that is a personality trait or is it a result of your military experience? Maybe a little of both? I'd love to be able to teach my students to be more adaptive to their surroundings as it is one of the most important skills they can possibly have.