Sunday, April 15, 2012

CEdO565 - Week 3 - the long week of much doing!

So this was one long week in terms of time elapsed between synchronous sessions... but it was a much longer week in terms of life! During this time period I went to DC in an attempt to find a place to live (and a used car to buy - struck out on both fronts!), Went to Charleston, SC for my Brother-in-Law's wedding (good time, Charleston Tea Plantation is a pretty cool spot!), sat for my second attempt at the Professional Engineering License (fingers crossed!)... oh yeah, and had a fair amount of homework to do for this course (thank you Group 3 for a great meeting).

This week was about the transport of cultured dairy product (that being both a good and bad thing, I suppose). I am forced to contemplate about my own cheese and how that cheese has changed over the years. I guess that I've been pretty lucky in choosing a military academy and then becoming an officer in the USCG... the movement of cheese has been steady but expected for the most part. 

We viewed a few videos on leadership and systems thinking. It made me want to run out and but some sweet sweaters, but alas, that season has gone! Our homework on these topics is fairly wide-open and I am often left wondering how to approach the assignment... do I attempt to morph this concept into my current profession or do I attack it for my hypothetical teaching position that I created for this course (nearly all of my faux students are meeting the standards... Yes, you know who you are! Man, these millenials are an interesting bunch.).

That's all that I have to report at this time. My brain is mush from my test and travels... I hear some hops and grains calling me (more hops than grains, thank you very much!). 

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