Monday, October 3, 2011

CEdO535 Week Three... RSS, Creative Commons and Photo Sharing

"What did we do this week that you can apply in your school or job and how might you use it?"
This week's assignments had us dive into the worlds of RSS (Real Simple Syndication), Creative Commons (Freeform copywriting for the 21st century) and Photo Sharing (something that I wish I had investigated prior to crashing the harddrive with all of my wife's African safari and Far East photos on it!).

I believe that, while all of these tools may prove useful in a classroom setting, RSS would provide the best benefit to the students. The RSS is easy to set up and monitor. It allows the web to search itself for you and report back its findings in a meaningful way. I could envision using RSS to set up for each new module of my Physics class and enable me to turn our learning adventure into something that is up-to-date and relevant in the world of today (i.e., turn an electricity lecture into a discussion of alternative fuel sources and battery powered cars, etc.).

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