All of those things that I've run from for the past few years!!!
Though they do seem to fit well into professions and office environments that are not as constrained as my current one. Openness with information is not the No. 1 trait of any military organization that I am aware of!
We looked into some more blogs and started in on wikis. I incorrectly attributed the little glimpse of social media that I am able to partake in at work to a blog when it is in fact a wiki. It is a wiki that allows personnel from throughout the CG to add Marine Inspection knowledge to the site for all others to peruse, edit and comment upon. There is also a good open forum Q & A piece that can come in handy when you are stationed somewhere like Milwaukee and you have a cruise ship question!
I had never understood the appeal of Twitter... and I blame this squarely on my belief that the only ones on twitter were celebrities and that ilk. I could never understand who rightly cared what Paris did last night or what Lance was having for lunch! I can see now that, if you follow the correct individuals, there could be some usefulness out there for this tool. I am still on the skeptical side though... there are far more stories about the uselessness than the useful.
As usual, I am able to answer the stated question for the weekly blog by hypothesizing that I can see usefulness in blogging and wikis for classroom educations. I am not sold on Twitter's usefulness though!
I, too, have a similar feeling about Twitter. But, like other social networks, you have control over what you see. I also am struggling to see how I could use it in a classroom setting.